Singing Guide: Alma

Singing Guide: Alma

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Alma is a Finnish singer-songwriter known for her powerful and emotional performances. She has a unique vocal technique, which combines raw vulnerability with impressive range control. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Alma, including her vocal range, unique vocal techniques, and the songs that showcase her style.

First, let's identify Alma's vocal range. According to the Singing Carrots vocal range test, Alma's range is from low F#3 to high A5. To learn to sing like Alma, it's essential to know your own vocal range and work within it. Once you know your range, you can choose songs that suit your voice and focus on techniques that allow you to expand your range over time.

One of Alma's unique vocal techniques is her ability to create emotional connections through subtle nuances in her delivery. In her song, "Chasing Highs," she alternates between soft whispers and powerful belting to convey heart-wrenching emotions. To achieve this vocal technique, it's essential to learn how to control your breath and use different registers effectively (link).

Another aspect of Alma's unique vocal style is the use of extended vocal techniques. Alma often incorporates growling, vocal distortion, and vocal fry into her performance to add a raw, unpolished edge to her voice. If you want to create a similar effect in your singing, Singing Carrots has an excellent video on vocal distortion and growling.

Alma's music features a variety of genres, including pop, electronic, and alternative. To learn to sing like Alma, it's necessary to select songs that showcase her range and unique vocal style. For example, her song, "Good Vibes," showcases her ability to mix registers and create emotional connections through breath control and vibrato.

To learn to sing like Alma, incorporating warm-up exercises and vocal training is essential. Joined with Singing Carrots' services, which include a variety of articles, vocal technique videos, and tools to help you find songs and monitor your progress, you have all the resources you need to get started.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.