Singing Guide: Agnes

Singing Guide: Agnes

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Agnes?


Agnes Carlsson, known by her stage name, Agnes, is a Swedish singer, songwriter, and record producer. She is recognized for her impressive vocal range and emotive delivery, showcasing power and passion in her songs. Here are some key steps to learn her singing style:

Step 1: Learn Agnes' unique vocal technique

Agnes often uses a mixed voice blending her chest voice and head voice, giving her vocal range a distinctively rich and full sound. She incorporates dynamic variations in volume and vibrato and builds her songs around emotive storytelling.

Step 2: Practice songs that showcase Agnes' vocal style

Some of Agnes's most popular songs include "Release Me," "I Need You Now," and "On and On," which showcase her impressive vocal range, dynamics, and emotive delivery. Practice singing along with her tracks to improve your technique and vocal range.

Step 3: Develop your vocal range

Take our vocal range test to assess your voice's upper and lower limits and find songs that fit your unique style and range. Work on expanding your range using our pitch training exercises and vocal pitch monitor tool.

Step 4: Perfect your breathing technique and posture

Effective breathing and posture are essential to singing success. Check out our breathing basics and posture tips to get started.

Step 5: Further develop your vocal skills with Singing Carrots

Explore our range of skill-related videos and articles for additional guidance and exercises on breathing, warm-ups, articulation, resonance, and more. You can also enroll in our singing course to improve your theory and practical skills in singing.

Step 6: Perform on stage with confidence

Singing Carrots also offers resources for performance and overcoming stage fright. Check out our stage fright tips and our tips for performing on stage.

With dedication, practice, and proper guidance from Singing Carrots, you can sing like Agnes and develop your unique voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.