Singing Guide: Abominable
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Abominable is a 2019 computer-animated musical fantasy movie produced by DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio. The story revolves around a teenage girl named Yi, who discovers a young Yeti on the rooftop of her apartment in Shanghai. Together with her friends, Jin and Peng, they travel to the Himalayas to reunite the Yeti, whom they name "Everest," with his family.
In terms of the movie's soundtrack, the songwriters focused on creating original songs featuring East Asian and Western instruments and musical styles. Chloe Bennet, the actress who voices Yi, performs a cover of Coldplay's "Fix You" in one of the movie's emotional scenes.
To learn how to sing like Chloe Bennet, it's essential to focus on developing solid vocal techniques and incorporating emotions into your performance. Warm-up exercises can help you prepare your voice before singing. Furthermore, it's essential to understand the basics of breathing, voice registers, pitch accuracy, and resonance.
One of the primary techniques used by Chloe Bennet is a combination of her chest and head voices, creating a mixed voice that allows her to hit high notes with ease. Incorporating this technique into your singing can help you sing with more power and flexibility.
If you're looking to improve your singing skills, Singing Carrots offers a comprehensive set of resources to help. Our vocal range test and pitch accuracy test can help you determine your current vocal abilities, and our vocal pitch monitor can help you visualize and monitor your vocal performance.
Additionally, our pitch training exercises can help you develop your pitch accuracy and vocal agility.
We also offer a vast library of songs that cater to different vocal ranges, difficulty levels, and genres. The performance resources on Singing Carrots, including linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and audio, can help you learn your desired songs effectively.
To learn more about developing your singing skills, check out Singing Carrots' educational singing course and our vast collection of blog articles. Topics include breathing basics, voice registers, vocal health, warm-up exercises, articulation, and much more.