Singing Guide: 4Him

Singing Guide: 4Him

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Many contemporary Christian music (CCM) groups have risen to popularity throughout the years. One such group is 4Him - a quartet based in Alabama consisting of the voices of Andy Chrisman, Mark Harris, Kirk Sullivan, and Marty Magehee. Their most popular songs include "The Basics of Life," "Where There Is Faith," "The Message," "For Future Generations," and "The Only Thing I Need." In this article, we will look at what made their unique vocal technique work and how to learn singing like 4Him.

Voice Analysis

Firstly, you need to analyze your voice using Singing Carrots' vocal range test. This online tool is super helpful for identifying your vocal style and techniques you'll need based on your vocal range compared to other singers that you admire. You'll get a vocal range assessment broken down by octaves and notes, as well as a percentile score showing how well you compare to others who have taken the assessment. If you're serious about replicating 4Him's vocal style, you need to know where your voice fits in the spectrum of modern CCM music.

Vocal categorization

4Him has a harmonic blend that's unique to them. Kirk Sullivan takes up the bass part, while Andy Chrisman captivates everyone with his baritone. Mark Harris provides the melody of the song, and Marty Magehee complements everyone with his signature tenor voice. As you can see, each member has his voice's unique tonality and shape, and meshing them together creates a spectacular sound you'll never get tired of listening to.

Vocal Exercise

To learn how 4Him produces such high-quality music, an exercise like Humming is a great place to start. This warm-up exercise will help you with breathing and opening up your vocals in your chest. It's pretty simple and involves keeping your lips together while making a humming sound with your mouth closed. This exercise will help you with your vocals resonance and warm up your muscles before you start an intense vocal activity.

Song Replication

To replicate 4Him's singing style, songs such as "Where There is Faith" are perfect to start with because of the melody. It's a classic that the group holds dearly and still performs in their concerts. You can also try singing other songs and sing them in the group style. You can grab sheet music from Singing Carrots' songbook and watch performances on YouTube to help you with the arrangement and vocal style replication.


Finally, it's important to note that 4Him's singing style is unique due to their vocal blending, signature melodies, and religious-themed songs. To replicate their singing technique, focus on your range, continue practicing vocal exercises, and song replication. Stick with contemporary Christian music, and you will find more examples of 4Him's type of singing styles. With resources like Singing Carrots' articles, videos, and courses, you have everything you need to build a good foundation to sing like 4Him.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.