Singing Guide: 3OH!3

Singing Guide: 3OH!3

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Want to get your voice to sound like 3Oh!3?

This dynamic duo has a unique style that is characterized by catchy melodies and electronic beats. To sing like them, it is important to focus on your rhythm, tone, pitch, and vocal range.

Here's how you can learn to sing like 3Oh!3:

  1. Master your breath control and support

    Breath support is essential for good singing, so learning to breathe correctly is your first step. You need to be able to take a deep breath, hold it, and then release it slowly and gradually while maintaining the right level of pressure. Practice the Farinelli Breathing Exercise, which involves inhaling for four counts and exhaling for eight counts.

  2. Work on your vocal range

    3Oh!3's music is known for its high-energy vocals and vocal range variety. To sing like them, you should practice various vocal exercises, such as lip trills, sirens, and glissandos, to improve your vocal range and flexibility. Take the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test to identify your range and areas for improvement.

  3. Pay attention to your pitch accuracy

    Pitch accuracy is key to singing like 3Oh!3. Take the Pitch Accuracy Test on Singing Carrots to find out how good your pitch is, and if you need to improve, use the Singing Carrots Pitch Training to warm up and practice.

  4. Find and listen to 3Oh!3 songs that showcase their vocal style

    To learn how to sing in 3Oh!3's unique style, focus on their specific vocal technique and phrasing. Listen to their progressive and dynamic rhythms and memorize their catchy melodies. Some of their best songs to use as examples are: "Don't Trust Me," "Starstrukk," and "My First Kiss."

  5. Use Singing Carrots vocal training resources

    Take advantage of the numerous resources on Singing Carrots, which includes a vast range of articles, exercises, and video tutorials that can help improve your singing skills. Here are some resources to help you sound more like 3Oh!3:

  6. Practice and experiment with contemporary vocal techniques

    Explore contemporary vocal techniques like heavy modal, twang, and belting used by 3Oh!3. Practice exercises like the How to Twang Exercise and How to Growl Exercise found on the Singing Carrots skill-related videos list. You can also experiment with other techniques like vocal distortion and vibrating.

Now that you know how to learn to sing like 3Oh!3, get started by using these tips and resources. Keep practicing and experimenting, and soon your singing will sound like that of a true 3Oh!3 fan. Good luck and have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.