Singing Guide: 1776

Singing Guide: 1776

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Thomas Jefferson from the hit musical 1776, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Jefferson is known for his ability to sing with a gentle vibrato and intricate ornamentation. To achieve this sort of sound, there are a few key vocal techniques you can focus on.

Firstly, breathing technique is crucial for any singer, and Jefferson is no exception. To strengthen your breath support and control, I recommend trying out Singing Carrots' breathing basics article. Once you have a handle on basic breathing, check out Singing Carrots' breath support post for tips on how to support your voice when singing.

Jefferson is also known for his ability to sing in a controlled, steady voice. To develop this sort of control, Singing Carrots' voice registers and voice breaks articles can be a big help. These articles cover the basics of different vocal registers and how to transition between them with ease.

When it comes to specific songs, "But, Mr. Adams" and "He Plays the Violin" are great examples of Jefferson's vocal style in 1776. Singing along with these songs can help you get a feel for his ornamentation and vibrato style.

To keep track of your progress, be sure to utilize Singing Carrots' progress statistics feature.

Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.