Did Pickettywitch take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Pickettywitch

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Learning from Pickettywitch's Singing Journey

When discussing the enchanting vocals behind the 1970s pop sensation Pickettywitch, it's essential to delve into their methods and journey toward musical success. While specific details regarding their formal singing lessons or coaches might not be widely documented, the group's lead singer, Polly Brown, exhibited remarkable vocal prowess that set them apart. Singers aiming to achieve a similar level of success can draw inspiration from their dedication and adapt modern resources to enhance their skills.

Embracing Modern Singing Lessons and Coaches

Although the specifics of Pickettywitch's vocal training are not well-known, aspiring singers today have vast resources at their disposal. Engaging with a skilled singing coach can provide personalized feedback similar to the guidance that might have propelled Pickettywitch to fame.

Utilizing online tools like Pitch Training can significantly enhance one's pitch accuracy, a crucial element in replicating the group's captivating sound. Similarly, analyzing and understanding one's voice type and ranges, akin to assessing the vocal dynamics of Pickettywitch, can serve as a foundation for growth.

Adopting a Regimen for Vocal Improvement

Mirroring the dedication of artists like those in Pickettywitch requires a commitment to consistent practice. Engaging in vocal exercises to improve pitch accuracy and control can yield significant benefits. Incorporating daily routines such as the 3 Minute Warm Up ensures a disciplined approach to vocal agility.

Expanding Your Repertoire and Stage Presence

Finding songs that match your vocal range, similar to how Pickettywitch chose their hits, is easier with tools like Search Songs by Vocal Range. Additionally, mastering stage presence through techniques discussed in performance tips can elevate your singing prowess to match historical acts.


Though not much is known about the specific singing lessons or coaches behind Pickettywitch's success, their legacy offers valuable lessons on the importance of continuous practice, exploration, and performance skills. By leveraging modern tools and resources, singers can embark on a journey of vocal mastery reminiscent of the timeless charm that Pickettywitch once brought to the music world.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners