Did Crash Test Dummies take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Crash Test Dummies

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Unlocking the Vocal Secrets of Crash Test Dummies’ Lead Singer Brad Roberts

The voice behind the iconic baritone that led the Crash Test Dummies to fame, Brad Roberts, showcases a unique vocal style that many aspiring singers admire. Despite popular belief, Roberts' distinctive sound is not solely a product of natural talent but a result of dedicated vocal training and practice. This article explores how Roberts harnessed his singing abilities and offers advice on how you can do the same with the help of Singing Carrots.

Did Brad Roberts Take Singing Lessons?

Yes, Brad Roberts took singing lessons to refine his natural deep voice. He worked with singing coaches to develop his vocal range and technique. This professional guidance was crucial in helping him navigate the peculiarities of his voice, pushing his natural baritone to new heights and allowing for greater versatility in Crash Test Dummies' music.

How to Achieve a Brad Roberts-Like Baritone

Fostering a deep, resonant baritone much like Brad Roberts involves a blend of natural ability and structured vocal training. Here are steps and resources from Singing Carrots to guide you:

  • Start with vocal range tests to understand the breadth and depth of your natural voice. Such initial assessments can pinpoint your starting point relative to a resonant baritone like Roberts’.
  • Engage in pitch training exercises to fine-tune your accuracy, an essential skill for mastering songs across various genres.
  • Use the vocal pitch monitor to get visual feedback on your singing, helping you see in real-time how closely you match Roberts’ deep tones.
  • Develop breath support and control – key for deep voice manipulation – through breathing basics and exercises found here.
  • Explore articles such as resonance in singing to learn how to enrich your voice's sonority, making your baritone as hauntingly beautiful as Roberts’.

Finding Your Unique Voice

While mimicking Brad Roberts' singing style can be a fantastic way to learn, Singing Carrots encourages singers to find and refine their unique voice. Our singing course offers a comprehensive approach to discovering your authentic voice, integrating theory with practical exercises.


Brad Roberts' journey from a natural baritone to a celebrated lead singer of Crash Test Dummies highlights the significance of singing lessons and continual practice. By leveraging resources like those offered at Singing Carrots, singers at any stage can explore their vocal potential, refine their skills, and maybe even pioneer new vocal paths just as Roberts did.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners