Did Bobby Day take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Bobby Day

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Discover How Bobby Day Mastered His Unique Vocal Style

Bobby Day, renowned for his hit "Rockin' Robin," captivated audiences with his distinctive voice and style. While information about specific singing lessons or coaches in Day’s early career might be scarce, his musical journey offers valuable insights for aspiring singers.

Emulating Bobby Day's Path

Given the era and style of music Day was part of, it's possible he learned much of his craft through hands-on experience, listening to and emulating other artists, and performing. This method of learning is something any aspiring singer can adopt, emphasizing the importance of practice, aural skills, and performance.

Practical Steps to Achieve Vocal Mastery:

  1. Immerse Yourself in Music: Just as Day might have done, listen to a wide variety of music and singers. Use tools like the Vocal ranges of famous singers to understand different vocal styles and ranges.
  2. Experiment and Practice: Utilize the Vocal range test and Pitch accuracy test to get to know your voice better and track your progress.
  3. Learn from the Greats: Although we may not know if Bobby Day had formal training, studying the vocal techniques of renowned artists can be incredibly beneficial. Engage with resources that explain different singing techniques, such as Contemporary vocal techniques.
  4. Visualize Your Pitch: The Vocal Pitch Monitor can help you see your pitch in real-time, assisting in fine-tuning your accuracy—a key for mastering songs like "Rockin' Robin".
  5. Train Your Ear and Voice: Embrace singing exercises and games found in Pitch Training to develop your ear and improve pitch accuracy, a skill likely honed by Day through his extensive performing experience.


Bobby Day's journey underscores the value of dedication, passion, and practice. While specific details about singing lessons or a singing coach in his life remain unknown, the methods likely contributing to his success are accessible to everyone. By engaging with hands-on learning, utilizing modern tools, and continually practicing, you can start to develop your unique voice and style, much like the unforgettable Bobby Day.

Begin Your Journey

For further guidance and to begin your journey in mastering your singing abilities, consider enrolling in our comprehensive 21-lesson singing course. It's a great way to build foundational skills, just as any iconic artist once did.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners