How to Learn Singing “The Man Who Sold the World” from David Bowie

How to Learn Singing “The Man Who Sold the World” by David Bowie

If you’re a fan of David Bowie and want to learn how to sing one of his iconic songs, “The Man Who Sold the World,” this guide is for you. In this article, we’ll break down the unique vocal techniques used in the song, provide practical advice for learning and mastering it, and recommend relevant resources from Singing Carrots to support your journey.

Understanding the Vocal Technique

“The Man Who Sold the World” showcases David Bowie’s exceptional vocal range and control. One of the key techniques he employs in this song is a mix of chest voice and head voice, also known as the mixed voice technique. This allows him to effortlessly transition between powerful, deep tones and softer, higher notes.

It’s important to note that while Bowie’s vocal style in this song was influenced by rock and folk music, the mixed voice technique is commonly used across various genres. Other popular songs that showcase the mixed voice technique include “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen and “Hotel California” by Eagles.

Practical Steps to Learn the Song

Learning “The Man Who Sold the World” requires practice and dedication. Follow these steps to effectively learn and sing the song:

  1. Analyze Your Voice: Before diving into the song, take some time to analyze your voice. Singing Carrots offers a helpful article on how to analyze your voice that can guide you through this process.
  2. Warm Up and Breathing: Start every singing session with a proper warm-up to prepare your vocal cords. Singing Carrots provides a Pitch Training tool that includes warm-up exercises and a pitch visualizer to help you improve.
  3. Listen and Study the Song: Familiarize yourself with “The Man Who Sold the World” by listening to the original recording multiple times. Pay attention to Bowie’s vocal nuances, dynamics, and phrasing.
  4. Work on the Mixed Voice Technique: Practice transitioning between chest voice and head voice to achieve the unique sound of the song. Singing Carrots offers useful resources on voice registers and vocal breaks and contemporary vocal techniques that can help you master this technique.
  5. Focus on Articulation and Expression: Pay attention to articulation and emotional expression while singing the song. Singing Carrots has an informative article on articulation that can guide you in improving your enunciation.
  6. Record Yourself and Seek Feedback: Record your practice sessions and listen back to identify areas that need improvement. Consider seeking feedback from vocal coaches or experienced singers to refine your performance.
  7. Perform and Evaluate: Once you feel confident in singing the song, perform it in front of an audience, whether it’s friends, family, or an online community. Use Singing Carrots’ tips for overcoming stage fright and tips for performing on stage to enhance your confidence and stage presence.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a wide range of resources to support your learning journey: