How to Learn Singing “I Want It That Way” from Backstreet Boys

How to Learn Singing “I Want It That Way” by Backstreet Boys

If you’re a fan of the Backstreet Boys and want to learn how to sing their iconic hit “I Want It That Way,” you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the unique vocal technique used in the song and provide practical advice on how to learn and improve your singing skills.

The Unique Vocal Technique in “I Want It That Way”

“I Want It That Way” showcases powerful harmonies and vocal blending, which are key elements of the Backstreet Boys’ signature sound. The song features a mixture of chest voice and falsetto, giving it a dynamic and captivating vocal range.

One notable aspect of the song is the use of vocal registers, particularly the transition between the chest voice and the falsetto. This creates a smooth and seamless vocal texture, adding depth and emotion to the performance.

This vocal technique can also be found in other popular songs by male vocal groups, such as *NSYNC’s “Bye Bye Bye” and Boyz II Men’s “I’ll Make Love to You.”

Practical Advice for Learning the Song

Here are some practical tips to help you learn and master “I Want It That Way”:

1. Start with Vocal Warm-ups

Before diving into the song, it’s essential to warm up your voice. Singing exercises like lip trills, sirens, and tongue twisters can help loosen up your vocal cords and improve your vocal range.

You can use our Educational Singing Course to learn effective warm-up techniques and develop proper vocal habits.

2. Focus on Breath Control

Proper breath control is crucial for singing this song. Practice diaphragmatic breathing to support your voice and maintain consistent airflow throughout the song. Check out our article on breath support for more guidance.

3. Master Vocal Registers

Pay attention to the transition between the chest voice and the falsetto in “I Want It That Way.” Practice vocal exercises that target these registers to develop a smooth and controlled vocal break. Our Pitch Training tool can help you with vocal exercises and range extension.

4. Analyze Your Voice

Use our Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range and find out which parts of the song are within your comfort zone. This will help you identify areas where you need to focus and improve.

For a more in-depth analysis of your voice and personalized recommendations, read our article on How to Analyze Your Voice.

5. Pay Attention to Articulation and Dynamics

Singing with clear articulation and dynamic expression is crucial for delivering an impactful performance. Check out our article on Articulation for tips on enunciating words and conveying emotions through your singing.

Additional Singing Carrots Resources

Alongside the practical advice mentioned above, Singing Carrots offers a wide range of resources to help you improve your singing skills: