How to Learn Singing “When You Love a Woman” from Journey

Learning to Sing “When You Love a Woman” by Journey

The song “When You Love a Woman” by Journey is a powerful ballad that demands not just vocal strength, but also soulful expression. Lead singer Steve Perry is famous for his authentic voice and broad vocal range. His delivery in this song displays a key vocal technique known as ‘Belting’. Belting is a contemporary vocal technique often used in Pop and Rock for emotional delivery and projection in the higher range.

To sing this song effectively, follow these steps:

Step 1: Song Analysis and Establishing Vocal Capabilities

Begin by understanding the musical structure and melody of the song. Then assess your vocal range and capabilities. Ensure you understand your voice type, recognizing whether it aligns with this song’s requirements. Refer to our guides on how to analyze your voice and voice types for help in this.

Step 2: Breathing and Warm-Up

Belting requires good breath control. Follow the breathing basics and exercise your Farinelli Breathing.

Step 3: Belting

Belting is often used in genres like rock and the Broadway stage. It requires significant breath support and strain avoidance. Develop this technique using our guide on Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting.

Step 4: Emotion and articulation

This being a ballad, learn to emote well and articulate clearly. Check our articles for articulation tips and understanding singing with emotions.

Step 5: Practice With Tools

Use our interactive vocal song practice tools for helpful visual cues that allow you to sing “When You Love a Woman” and similar songs accurately. Use our Song Search tool for finding more songs that suit your vocal range and genre preference.

Bonus tip:

Belting is also observed in popular songs like “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey, and many Broadway musicals.

Remember, the key to singing beautifully is understanding one’s own voice, using the right techniques, and conveying the song’s emotions authentically. Happy Singing!