How to Learn Singing “Sorry” from Justin Bieber

Learning to Sing “Sorry” by Justin Bieber

“Sorry” by Justin Bieber is a rich song that offers singers great learning value. This song predominantly uses the Pop/Jazz singing technique, making it perfect for those interested in this style.

Understanding the Vocal Technique

The song uses a blend of chest and head registers, which help in creating a smooth tone and melismatic sequences. It would be beneficial to first understand voice registers and how to transition between them.

Applying the Technique

Once you comprehend the technique, the next step is trying it in practice. Singing “Sorry” might be easier if your vocal type matches Justin’s – a Tenor. Use the voice types guide to classify your voice. Furthermore, use the vocal range test to compare your range with Justin Bieber’s.

Practical Exercises

Begin your practice with pitch training. This will enhance your pitch accuracy, essentially required to adhere to the melodic sequences contained in the song. Don’t forget to warm up before any practice session using exercises like 3 Minute Warm Up.

To minimize the risk of vocal strain while switching between registers, learning Mixed Voice transitioning can prove beneficial. The song also places emphasis on breath control. Get familiar with breath support and practice sustaining breath by watching the Sustain Vocal video.

Final Preparations

As you prepare to perform, maintain an good singing posture. This will not only enrich your voice but also reduce strain. Also, keep in mind Justin Bieber’s special transitions between registers to improve the style of singing in this song.

Another essential aspect is dealing with stage presence and controlling emotions. Spend time behind the stage fright and prepare with some stage tips.

Discover Another Songs

If you have mastered “Sorry” and want to study a similar song, consider “What Do You Mean” and “Love Yourself”, also performed by Justin Bieber, applying the same vocal technique. Use Search songs by vocal range to find more songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.