How to Learn Singing “No Good Deed” from Wicked

Learning to Sing “No Good Deed” from Wicked

“No Good Deed” from Wicked is a challenging song that requires a solid understanding of your own voice. Understanding your vocal abilities helps in tackling this song. Here’s our guide to help you learn and perform this song using Singing Carrots resources.

Understand Your Voice

Before attempting this song, it’s necessary to analyze your voice and understand your voice type. Use our vocal range test to discover your range and compare it to your favorite singers including Idina Menzel who sings “No Good Deed”.

Vocal Technique in “No Good Deed”

This song is characterized by its dramatic storytelling that requires strong breath support and excellent control of voice registers. Kindly read through our Breath support and voice registers articles for a better understanding of these techniques.

Belting and Vocal Distortion

“No Good Deed” is a perfect example of the belting technique, characterized by powerful high notes sung in the chest voice. You can watch this video on How to Growl Exercise to familiarise yourself with the technique. Other popular songs featuring this same technique are “Defying Gravity” from Wicked and “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” from Dreamgirls.

Learning the Song

Start by analyzing the song. Find other songs that match your pitch using our song search, such as other songs from Wicked that might lie in your range. When singing, keep in mind the open mouth & throat technique for clarity of sound.

Vocal Health and Tips for Performance

Always remember to take care of your vocal health by warming up and cooling down your voice and hydrate well. Read our articles on Vocal Health for more tips on how to maintain a healthy voice.

“No Good Deed” is a strong emotional song; tackle the challenge by studying singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking and preparing your body with our Sustain Vocal Exercise.

With practice and patience, you’ll be able to perform “No Good Deed” with confidence and skill. Remember, singing is a journey. Enjoy every step!