How to Learn Singing “Feel” from Robbie Williams

How to Learn Singing “Feel” by Robbie Williams

In this article, we will explore the process of learning to sing the popular song “Feel” by Robbie Williams. “Feel” is a powerful ballad that requires a mix of emotional expression and strong vocal technique. We will discuss the unique vocal technique used in the song, provide practical advice for learning it, and highlight relevant resources from Singing Carrots to assist you in your journey.

The Unique Vocal Technique in “Feel”

One of the key aspects of “Feel” is the use of belting technique. Belting is a vocal technique where the singer projects their voice with a powerful, resonant tone. It is commonly used in pop and rock music to convey strong emotions and create a dynamic impact. Robbie Williams effectively utilizes belting in the chorus of “Feel” to deliver an emotionally charged performance.

Belting can be physically demanding, so it’s important to approach it with proper technique and care. Learning to control your breath support, open your mouth and throat, and maintain good vocal health are essential for mastering this technique. Singing Carrots provides resources that can help you develop these skills.

Practical Advice for Learning “Feel”

Here are some practical steps to help you learn and sing “Feel” with confidence:

  1. Start by listening to the original recording of the song to familiarize yourself with the melody, lyrics, and overall feel of the song.
  2. Work on your vocal technique by practicing vocal warm-ups and exercises that focus on breath support, vocal range, and resonance. Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training program can be a valuable resource for improving your technique.
  3. Break down the song into smaller sections and practice each section slowly and carefully. Pay attention to the vocal dynamics, phrasing, and emotion in each part of the song.
  4. Experiment with different vocal colors and textures to express the emotions of the song. This can involve adding vibrato, varying the intensity of your voice, or using dynamics to create a compelling performance.
  5. Record yourself singing the song and listen back to identify areas that need improvement. Take note of any pitch inaccuracies, breath support issues, or areas where you can enhance your vocal expression.
  6. Practice regularly and consistently to build muscle memory and improve your overall vocal control. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become with singing “Feel”.

Remember, learning any song takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources that can further enhance your learning process. The following articles and exercises are particularly relevant when learning to sing “Feel”:

Additionally, you can assess your vocal range and pitch accuracy using Singing Carrots’ Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test to gain a better understanding of your vocal abilities.

By combining your dedication, consistent practice, and utilizing the resources from Singing Carrots, you can develop your vocal skills and confidently sing “Feel” by Robbie Williams. Embrace the unique vocal technique and let your emotions shine through your performance!