How to Learn Singing “Don’t Rain on My Parade” from Funny Girl

How to Learn Singing “Don’t Rain on My Parade” from Funny Girl

“Don’t Rain on My Parade” is a powerful and iconic song from the musical Funny Girl. Made popular by Barbra Streisand, it showcases her incredible vocal technique and emotional performance. Learning this song can be a challenging yet rewarding experience, allowing you to develop your range, control, and expression as a singer.

1. Song Analysis and Vocal Technique

Before diving into learning the song, it’s important to analyze its structure and vocal technique. “Don’t Rain on My Parade” requires a strong belting technique, where you project your voice with power and resonance. This song also includes dynamic shifts, sustained notes, and vocal runs. Understanding these elements will help you approach the song with confidence.

2. Warm-up and Breathing Exercises

Prior to practicing “Don’t Rain on My Parade,” warm up your vocal cords and engage in breathing exercises to prepare your voice. Singing Carrots offers a Pitch Training – Educational Singing Game that includes warm-up exercises specifically designed to improve breath control and vocal flexibility.

3. Vocal Range and Pitch Accuracy

Use the Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test on Singing Carrots to determine your vocal range and pitch strengths. This will help you identify which areas of the song you may need to focus on and improve.

4. Lyrics and Sheet Music

Find the lyrics and sheet music for “Don’t Rain on My Parade” on Singing Carrots’ Song-book feature. Having the lyrics and sheet music at hand will enable you to better understand the song’s structure, phrasing, and melody.

5. Practice with the Vocal Pitch Monitor

Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor tool offered by Singing Carrots to visually see and track your pitch accuracy while practicing “Don’t Rain on My Parade.” This will help you identify any areas that need improvement and visually compare your pitch to the song’s melody.

6. Emotion and Expression

“Don’t Rain on My Parade” is a song filled with emotion and defiance. To truly connect with the song, focus on its lyrics and the character’s story. Sing with intention, portraying the character’s determination and resilience. Remember to use the tips from the Singing Carrots article on Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking to enhance your emotional delivery.

7. Record and Evaluate

Record yourself singing “Don’t Rain on My Parade” and listen back to evaluate your performance. Pay attention to areas where you can improve your technique, dynamics, and overall expression. Self-evaluation is an essential tool for growth as a singer.

8. Other Songs with similar vocal technique

“Don’t Rain on My Parade” showcases a powerful belting technique commonly seen in songs like:

  • “Defying Gravity” from the musical Wicked
  • “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” from the musical Dreamgirls
  • “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston
  • “Listen” from the movie Dreamgirls

Studying and listening to these songs can provide further inspiration and insight into the unique vocal technique required for “Don’t Rain on My Parade.”

Remember, learning a song requires practice, patience, and dedication. Utilize the resources provided by Singing Carrots to enhance your learning experience and take your singing skills to new heights. Happy singing!