How to Learn Singing “Dancing Barefoot” from Patti Smith

How to Learn Singing “Dancing Barefoot” by Patti Smith

Singing Patti Smith’s “Dancing Barefoot” requires a solid understanding of vocal technique and a passionate delivery. In this article, we will explore the unique vocal technique used in the song and provide practical advice on how to learn and perform it. We will also mention other popular songs that employ similar vocal techniques.

Understanding Vocal Technique

Before diving into “Dancing Barefoot,” it’s essential to have a solid foundation in vocal technique. Singing Carrots offers a wide range of resources to help you improve your singing skills. Here are some articles that might be helpful:

The Unique Vocal Technique in “Dancing Barefoot”

“Dancing Barefoot” showcases Patti Smith’s distinctive vocal style, blending elements of rock, poetry, and punk. One unique aspect of her singing in this song is her use of raw and emotive delivery, coupled with a controlled falsetto tone. This combination creates a haunting and mesmerizing effect.

Similar Techniques in Other Songs

The use of controlled falsetto and emotional delivery can be heard in other popular songs as well. Here are a few examples:

  • Beggars Bounce – This exercise from Singing Carrots helps develop control and resonance in falsetto.
  • Diaphragm Bounce – Another useful exercise to improve falsetto technique and vocal control.
  • Mixed Voice – Understanding and practicing mixed voice is crucial for achieving a similar vocal effect.
  • 3 Minute Warm Up – Start your practice session with this warm-up exercise to prepare your voice.

Practical Advice for Learning “Dancing Barefoot”

Here are some practical tips to help you learn and perform “Dancing Barefoot” with confidence:

  1. Listen to the original recording of the song multiple times to familiarize yourself with the melody and arrangement.
  2. Focus on the emotional delivery and try to capture the raw energy that Patti Smith brings to the song.
  3. Pay attention to the dynamics and phrasing in the song. Experiment with different levels of intensity and volume to convey the essence of the lyrics.
  4. Practice breath control and support to maintain the power and emotion throughout the song. Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to visualize and monitor your pitch accuracy.
  5. Work on your falsetto technique using the exercises mentioned above. This will help you achieve the unique tone heard in “Dancing Barefoot.”
  6. Immerse yourself in the lyrics and understand the story behind the song. This will help you connect with the emotion and deliver a more authentic performance.
  7. Record yourself singing the song and listen back for areas that need improvement. Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to visualize and monitor your pitch accuracy.