How to Learn Singing “Dance Monkey” from Tones and I

How to Learn Singing “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I

Learning to sing a particular song can be both exciting and challenging. In this article, we will guide you through the process of learning the popular song “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I. This catchy and energetic song requires a unique vocal technique to capture its essence.

The Unique Vocal Technique in “Dance Monkey”

One of the standout features of “Dance Monkey” is the use of vocal belting. Belting is a powerful singing technique characterized by a strong and resonant sound. It allows singers to produce high and sustained notes with intensity and control. In “Dance Monkey,” Tones and I expertly utilizes belting to convey the emotional depth and energy of the song.

Additionally, Tones and I incorporates elements of vocal growling in certain parts of the song. Vocal growling is a technique that adds a gritty and rough texture to the voice, giving it a unique and distinctive quality. It adds an extra layer of expression to the song and enhances its overall impact.

Practical Advice

Learning to sing “Dance Monkey” requires practice and dedication. Here are some practical tips to help you master the song:

  1. Analyze Your Voice: Before diving into the song, take some time to analyze your voice. Understanding your voice type and vocal range can guide you in approaching the song effectively. You can use the Vocal Range Test provided by Singing Carrots to determine your vocal range.
  2. Warm Up: Start your practice session with a good warm-up. This helps to prepare your voice and prevent strain. Singing Carrots offers a Pitch Training module that includes vocal warm-ups specifically designed to improve your pitch accuracy and flexibility.
  3. Focus on Belting: Since belting is a crucial element of “Dance Monkey,” dedicate time to improving your belting technique. Singing Carrots provides resources on contemporary vocal techniques such as belting, which can help you master this aspect of the song.
  4. Practice Vocal Growling: Work on incorporating vocal growling into specific parts of the song where Tones and I utilizes this technique. Singing Carrots offers an exercise on How to Growl that can assist you in developing your growling skills.
  5. Listen and Learn: Take the time to listen to the song attentively and study Tones and I’s interpretation. Observe her vocal nuances, phrasing, and dynamics. This will help you better understand and replicate her performance.
  6. Record and Evaluate: Record yourself singing the song and listen back to assess your progress. This allows you to identify areas that need improvement and make necessary adjustments.

Other Songs Utilizing Similar Vocal Techniques

The vocal techniques used in “Dance Monkey” can also be found in other popular songs. Here are a few examples:

  • “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele
  • “Fighter” by Christina Aguilera
  • “Because of You” by Kelly Clarkson

By practicing and perfecting the vocal techniques in “Dance Monkey,” you can expand your repertoire and tackle other songs that utilize similar techniques.

Resources for Learning “Dance Monkey”:

Additionally, Singing Carrots provides other resources like the Contemporary Vocal Techniques article that can assist you in mastering the belting style. By utilizing these resources, practicing consistently, and applying the tips mentioned above, you can learn to sing “Dance Monkey” with confidence and style.