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"Where Are All The People?" - Chaplin [Karaoke/Instrumental w/ Lyrics]
2019Dec 2
♬ Thanks for singing along! ♬ 💙 Here's how you can support my channel: ➟ Order a custom instrumental track by filling out a form here: ➟ Purchase higher-quality MP3s of my tracks (best for covers/performances): ➟ Like and subscribe! Share your performances using my tracks! Please feel free to use my tracks for covers, concerts, etc. All I ask is that you credit the writers and my channel! All rights reserved to original composers, orchestrators and producers. I do not claim to own any material on this channel, nor am I selling the rights to the songs themselves. Just sharing some beautiful songs with fellow performers! If any rights holder would like a track removed, please email me at Thank you! Have fun singing! KARAOKE/INSTRUMENTAL Music and Lyrics by Christopher Curtis Based on orchestrations by Larry Hochman Made in Logic Pro X, c. Apple Arranged and orchestrated by EJM Instrumentals Feel free to use for covers, concerts, etc. Just credit the writers and myself! All rights reserved to original composers, orchestrators, producers, etc. Thank you! Have fun singing!

EJM Instrumentals

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