Sia - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Sia vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

D3 - A5 (2.6 octaves)

Song with the LOWEST pitch:
Midnight Decisions (D3-G4)
User likes: S.A.
Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
Unforgettable (F4-A5)
User likes: Марк Лайтман Adi bar

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Contralto (F3-F5)

Mezzo-soprano (A3-A5)

How to learn singing like Sia

Read our educational guide on how to sing like Sia including explanations of which vocal techniques to use and how to practice them.

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More songs by the artist

Elastic Heart [Piano Version] (C#4-C#5)
User likes: Samo Stormy Hefko Geah John thomas annie lol Fernanda Ferreira Jade Ambrósio Nosellama Joelle IVONNE SIGRID PABON RIVERA Alisse Daaé Harpsost Phoebe W AchelRay Haha Luly Ramirez greenwatermelone TotallyMeagan Maya Landry spiiderii boii Gaia Poli Hilal Kaya Eren Alp Desiree D'Amico ebru özer iza aybk Z E L Mirae edit Zekkk Rr Christina Sude Naz Savaş İpekbaşak Arslan Inayah Melissa Hayes ZuZu Co Damla Törüner you were my abience. violet clark Gizem Şahin Danielle Shobe Sensible Shy ummuhan yirmili Sky_River Jenniffer Duitama Katie Langon Angel Luna Adriano Kannu Ravi Julia Olive Miller Mattis Leía pomppupallo Nikki Abdullah Kara alexia Seherzada Huseljic DRISHTI HARCHANDRAI Sage Aster Sude Bakırcı Anne-Sophie Van Bever Elvire stwa Erica Muxlow saadet sama Ilea Allen Zeynep Ekşi Valentina Alfaro Simge Öztürk Ada Mcfadden Zing Zing Bengisu Tibet Reetta Kivinen alyssa amott T Nina Erica Faulkner Jennifer Perren Sara Nester ccattano27 Gizem Özcan Siri Northpaw maria Beril Demir Noah Page Belu Piantanida John Rogers Daniella Lafuente Anonymous Potato Lipika the Genius S T Emily Estelle Todoroni Nae Nae Coder Girl Jess M Isabela Molines jennai kristine Mizzukko Jacqueline Flores Romane Legend Chandni Chandra Shekar Nermine El Golli kah a. Sumayah Rahman Tia Roach Name Malinda Allen oce an Clartess Kdmr Erza belserion Allie Brighton Thalia Remice Ariana Zafrin Lauren Clark Sumayah R Carys Hahn Fernanda Ribeiro John Crumpton Tam tamz Kate Jacqui-May Allison-Dodds Erica Faulkner nupy Natalie Hodgson Alli Belle Chloe Nelson Neha Merchant Ava Sansburn Reetta Caitlyn Eubank melody Wambui Gabbi Greene Fanny Ribeiro Verònica Burukina Noah Page Chris Eden Rae anarchistopossum loulou PowerQueen Arden Lewy Esse Mir Megan Strawsine Carney Ethel Harmon Courtney Lapayover Turtlesings Ilona Mika leigh Bicknell Ana Koprivica Mariana Legey da Fonseca Syrips
Chandelier (Piano Version) (F3-Eb5)
User likes: Ellie ESC Stormy Hefko Geah Alexandria Hauser Dua Zia Nosellama Joelle k p Phoebe W Rania Neelima Jamal Blue Purple spiiderii boii Doğukan Hilal Kaya Emily Morley Alex Genea Belu Piantanida Resai Karabulut Z E L Busra Meydan Sude Naz Savaş Melissa Hayes Melissa & Taylor Hamilton Chiara Di Domenico Gizem Şahin violet clark Neva Bozkurt bb Danielle Shobe Véronique Newman Sky_River Zeynep sude Klaire Sonata Angel Luna Serap Altınok Sara Lee Pâmela Vianna Benicia Sharma Julia Angel AmathYAH Ammuwd HiWhatsUp hiwhatsup Ysabella Velez mikxnime Iliza Nyinawumuntu Abdullah Kara alexia DRISHTI HARCHANDRAI pomppupallo Nikki JaPerez 川添夢 Anne-Sophie Van Bever @KaiDamari Stinckster Ilea Allen Aninha Simge Öztürk Eva Matas Bengisu Tibet Donna Reetta Kivinen alyssa amott Erica Faulkner Gizem Özcan Sean hornof Siri Northpaw Lulu Danielle McGuigan Selen Koldaş Isa Garcia 약점나의 Hanielle Cheng Nae Nae Ellen MacPherson S T Elda Llojko Todoroni meladosia Mehrab KHAN Potato Potato Jacqueline Flores xochitl montes Mizzukko Cml San Seleniumk Marissa Rodriguez Romane Chandni Chandra Shekar Yağmur Kaygısız Ark Nermine El Golli Tia Roach Emily Brookestone Name Malinda Allen Zylren Clartess Kdmr Kera R. Ines Fernandez Tracy Mason Shatabea Jordan oce an Dea Jayne Hannah Eberle Ari R. Leila Corinne Duran Rollyvin Burlaos Bailey Levetin 幻実 Rachel Adkinson Erica Faulkner emi ann Arianne Dooley NT Jade nupy Natalie Hodgson Belle Rocky6655 Camille Louise Caitlyn Eubank Büşra Coşkun Andrea C Fanny Ribeiro Adrianna Pietruszewska Racyena Alana Kelsey Richer Ree Rickardsson Steliana Marcel Cater ark051 maez IckyVicky georgia hnm Esse Mir Queen Zee Crimson Jes Phuong Cao Khanh Paula Mäe Ilona Mika Mystie Chamberlin Amateur Paradox Ana Koprivica Glo Tava Bollig q Syrips Ammonite
Unstoppable (F#3-B4)
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Alive (F#3-E5)
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Reaper (E3-D5)
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Saved My Life (Bb3-Eb5)
User likes: Sima Karim
Move Your Body (G3-C5)
User likes: Adriano
Helium (G#3-C#5)
Round and Round (Ab3-Eb5)
Jesus Wept (F3-Ab4)
Rainbow (A3-D5)
Angel by the Wings (G#3-D#5)
Magic (E3-D5)
Together (D4-C5)
Salted Wound (G3-G4)
Confetti (Ab3-Db5)
Satisfied (G3-C5)
I'm Still Here (F#3-A4)
Gimme Love (G#3-E5)
Big Girls Cry (G4-A5)
Eye of the Needle (G#3-C#5)
Courage to Change (F#3-C#5)
Kill and Run (F#3-D5)
Free Me (A3-F#5)
Burn the Pages (D4-C5)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.

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