Marvin Gaye - Artist vocal range | Singing carrots

Marvin Gaye vocal range

According to our database the vocal range of this artist is:

A2 - D#5 (2.5 octaves)

Song with the HIGHEST pitch:
I Heard It Through the Grapevine (A#3-D#5)
User likes: Kaea Kevin Johnson Emily Keegan D'Souza

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Voice types

Based on their range the artist can perform songs for:

Baritone (A2-A4)

Tenor (C3-C5)

More songs by the artist

Ain't No Mountain High Enough (B2-D#4)
User likes: Alexandria Hauser Nosellama Alisse Daaé Hira's Music Steve Maciboba Phoebe W Neon Resai Karabulut Ezeekiel Love Mervyn Javier Adriano gabrilapin Mc A.L.X BM DRISHTI HARCHANDRAI SNISAK Andy Schafer Tom JP Menendez Susie Belu Piantanida Crystalila Mars alyssa amott Renzellous Brown Samno&Pad Javier Enrique Roquebert robert owens Lee Sprague Russell Can Kauan Santos Danielle McGuigan Zainal Zayne Akmal DarkSandwich Burak Sayıntürk JJP Venema Meg O Archer Maru Stormy Hefko Quinn McRae David Rutitsky 0xKaze Tana Mill3R Julien Quanjie Yang Moloch Ryan Nelson Lewis Badun O.S. zQudex Peter van Dam jfontain Jade Ambrósio An Dmoney Flashny Matias Beltran Kevin Johnson Marie-Jose daniel haran 905 strings yuh M M Kitty Caldwell jonny Luiz Costa Bassman BB SING cecei thanawat Jonas Melo Bella Deniz Selcuk Joschka Vlaya Eric Ellis Kellan. Yann Correia sneakyginger Aaron Haynes Zane Noah Page Marvin WillyShaker P Erdsan Victória Reis Silveira Martine Remmelzwaal Ree Rickardsson L Schlumpf Mallo Camden Alpert Fred H Steven Dailey Harilaos Vasiliadis Mindi José Fabián Arcos García (Xper Studios) S Z Christopher Plouffe Lake Todosko Alexander Stupidty Bay Gaillard firecat riks Jorre green daydream Alicia Hobbel Devin Nielson Matchu Tang Adede-Nkosi Essien Szymon Wesołowski anarchistopossum Jennifer Callaway Bambouxd Ndayisaba Enock Alvin Nyasha Carlos Seminario Valentine Emmanuel Samuel Gates gabs Paul Joelamite Elder Aaron Elaina Smith Joseph Brent Shirley Jun Hee Lee Bronwyn Baillie Jake Kane Andre Sayre T S Jazzzyone Ethan Parsons
Mercy, Mercy Me (C#3-G#4)
User likes: Kevin Johnson Mallo
Sexual Healing (E3-A4)
User likes: Mallo
Pride and Joy (A#2-A#4)
User likes: Kevin Johnson
Got To Give It Up (A2-E4)
User likes: Kevin Johnson
Try It Baby (F3-A4)

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Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. The 'real' vocal range of the person of course might be different. This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. It might be that the singer can actually hit lower or higher notes, but never did so in their recordings known to us.

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